CHAFFEE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Mission, Vision, Core Values, and Objectives and Goals
Our Mission
We serve the community by creating an educational environment of accountability and high expectations conducive to the production of life-long learners.
Our Vision
Engaged citizens who contribute to positive growth.
Core Values
As we carry out our mission and achieve our vision, we will remain true to our core values of:
- Safety
- Commitment
- Compassion
- Service
- Responsibility
- Growth
- Cooperation
- Knowledge
Objectives & Goals
Objective: To improve student behavior and performance.
Goal: The District will provide annual professional development regarding classroom management techniques.
Goal: The District will provide annual professional development regarding the effective use of existing programs.
Goal: District administrators will discuss resources and programs to aid students at risk of poor behavior and low academic performance quarterly.
Objective: To actively recruit, develop, and retain quality educators.
Goal: First-year teachers will meet with their mentor teachers at least one time per quarter.
Goal: The District will create a plan to recruit quality educators.
Goal: The District will create a team of educators to identify needs, compile resources, collaborate, and monitor PD for accountability.
Goal: The District will hold 3 team-building opportunities for staff to engage with each other annually.
Objective: To communicate more clearly and consistently with our community.
Goal: The District will implement the new student records system by July 31, 2021.
Goal: Each building will adopt a platform by July 31, 2020, that allows teachers to communicate with stakeholders weekly and provide annual training on that platform.
Goal: The District will enlist students to share information monthly.
Objective: To engage the community.
Goal: The District will provide annual opportunities for the community to interact with our students within the school.
Goal: The District will provide annual opportunities for the students to interact with the community outside the school setting.
Goal: The District will use multiple ways to inform the community weekly of school activities.
Goal: The District will highlight/recognize business support weekly.
Objective: To cultivate an environment of servant leadership by instilling the value of serving others.
Goal: Staff will participate in at least one community service project annually.
Goal: Every student will have the opportunity to participate in at least one community service activity during the school year.
Goal: The District will increase efforts to communicate extracurricular activities to staff and encourage their attendance.