Surrogate Parents

An educational surrogate fills the role of a parent for the student with a disability whenever decisions are being made about the student's educational placement and program.  A surrogate parent is needed when a student has no identified parent, guardian or person acting as a parent or has parents who after reasonable efforts, cannot be located by the district. A surrogate parent is also needed if a student is the ward of the state without an acting parent or an unaccompanied homeless youth as defined by law.  Parents of children with disabilities are important members of a decision-making team, which decides the appropriate educational program for their child. Sometimes, for various reasons, there is no one to fill this important role. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states train and provide educational surrogates, an impartial individual, to fill the role of a parent.

Anyone who is 18 years old or older, and has no conflict of interest concerning the child's education, may serve as an educational surrogate. A criminal record check and child abuse or neglect check are required. Also, an educational surrogate may not be an employee of a public agency providing care, custody, or educational services to the specific child in need of educational surrogate representation.

If a student is in need or is suspected of needing a surrogate parent, please contact the Director of Special Services for further information. If it is determined that the student needs a surrogate parent, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will be notified in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. Training for persons interested in serving as an educational surrogate may be viewed online. You may access this site for training information and answers to other questions regarding the educational surrogate program. You may reach the Division of Special Education Compliance by phone at (573) 751-0699.